
Course Description

An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school and community with an emphasis on historical and socio-cultural factors. The processes of socialization and identity development will be highlighted for typically and atypically developing children, showing the importance of respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower children and families. Emphasis on cooperation, communication, problem solving, and self-monitoring are discussed utilizing partnerships with teachers and parents. Identification of public agencies which can provide support for children of all developmental levels and their families. Each candidate demonstrates knowledge of family systems (within the context of ethnicity, culture, life experiences, and language diversity) and the central role of families in facilitating healthy growth and development. Each candidate demonstrates skill required to engage families as collaborative partners, and applies relationship-based, culturally and linguistically appropriate, family-centered practices in all componenets of early intervention and education for infants and young children with disabilities. Each candidate demonstrates understanding of the impact of the child's disability on the family and is trained in skills to sensitively elicit family concerns, priorities, and resources in relation to their child. Each candidate demonstrates skills required to assist families in learning about their legal rights, advocating effectively for their child, developing support systems, and accessing desired services, programs, and activities in their school and community. Each candidate demonstrates skill required to implement routine-based interventions and assist families with embedding educational activities into daily life.
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