Application Fee


Before you can apply, you will need to create an online account. You will need a valid email address, mailing address and other personal information.


Once you have created an online account (or if you already have one), you may apply for a program.


You may start and stop your application more than one time until it is submitted. After the application is submitted, you will not be able to edit the application.


Step 1 - Decide on your program length and dates.


Step 2 - Collect any required documents so you are prepared to upload them.


Supporting Documents:

  • Agency/embassy/partner university information. (Only required if you have one.)
  • Copy of your passport photo page.
  • Copy of your most up-to-date resume.
  • Official TOEFL score.
  • Candidate Appraisal Form.
  • Statement of Financial Support Form.
  • Financial statement from the Bank, dated within the past 6 months, and indicating an available minimum balance of $31,100.
  • If you are applying as a transfer student from another U.S. institution on an F-1 visa, you must upload copies of your current I-20, the front and back of your I-94, and current F-1 visa stamp.
  • Transcripts with proof of degree completion.

Step 3 - Complete the program application, including uploading the supporting documents (if applicable), and pay the $200 nonrefundable Program Application Fee. Visa, MasterCard or Discover are accepted online. If you are unable to pay the fee online, follow the wire transfer instructions on the final section of the application.


In order for us to process your application as quickly as possible, please remember to pay the application fee and upload all required materials.


After you submit a complete application package, you will receive an email confirmation. It will take up to 10 business days to process your application.


Please note that applications cannot be processed until the application fee is received. Courses, dates, and fees are subject to change without notice. Admission to IEP does not constitute admission to any UCR degree program. Other fees may apply for the Master's Pathway programs.

Minimum Age Requirement for Admission to an On-Campus International Program: You must be at least 18 years of age on the first day of your program to be admitted to one of our on-campus (face-to-face) international programs. Special exceptions may be made on a case by case basis for students who are verified to be turning 18 in the first quarter of their program.
Required fields are indicated by .