Computer science is a vast area, offering opportunities across a span of industries, depending on your specific skillset. This online program will prepare you to teach a comprehensive computer science curriculum, including computational thinking, computing practice and programming, software design, data structure and algorithms. Complete 4 classes to earn an Introductory Authorization and teach in grades 9 and below, or add one more class to earn a Specific Authorization to teach up through grade 12. Make your mark in STEM education and help pave a path of success for our students.
Designed For
K-12 educators, pre-service teachers or school or district administrators in public, private or charter school environments who are interested in furthering their knowledge in computer science education.
The Computer Science Authorization may be of interest to any teacher, pre-service teacher or school or district administrator interested in furthering their knowledge in computer science education. Introductory supplementary authorizations added to Multiple Subject or Single Subject Credentials authorize the holder to teach departmentalized classes related to Computer Science in grades 9 and below. Specific supplementary authorizations may only be added to Single Subject Credentials and authorize the holder to teach Computer Science in grades preschool, K-12, and classes primarily for adults.
What You'll Learn
- How computing systems and digital devices function, and how they have contributed to various disciplines.
- Best practices in problem solving techniques and fundamental computing concepts including decomposition, data representation and algorithms.
- High-level programming languages and advanced software design.
What You Can Do With This Certificate
Teaching positions are available in both private and public schools.
Professional Licensure and Certification
University of California programs for professions that require licensure or certification are intended to prepare the student for California licensure and certification requirements. Admission into programs for professions that require licensure and certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or certificate. Licensure and certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the University of California and licensure and certification requirements can change at any time.
The University of California has not determined whether its programs meet other states’ educational or professional requirements for licensure and certification. Students planning to pursue licensure or certification in other states are responsible for determining whether, if they complete a University of California program, they will meet their state’s requirements for licensure or certification. This disclosure is made pursuant to 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v)(C).
Earning the Certificate
Prior to enrolling, please ensure that you meet the following minimum requirements:
- Bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited institution
- One of the following valid, unexpired, California teaching credentials:
- Multiple Subject
- Single Subject
- Standard Elementary
- Standard Secondary
- Special Secondary
- Please note that there is no application required to begin taking courses toward the Introductory Computer Science Authorization, however, we recommend that you apply by the third course if you would like UCR to assist with the filing of CTC paperwork at the completion of the required courses. You can apply, free of charge, below.
Completion Requirements
- Successful completion of 15 units with a grade of C or better.
- Upon program completion:
- The candidate may request the assistance of UCR Extension to file the appropriate paperwork with the CTC or the candidate may apply on their own to the CTC.
- If the candidate would like UCR to assist, please complete the online “Completion Verification” application. Please note, a university $75 "credential filing fee" will apply.
- Upon verification by Student Services that all requirements have been met, the Credentials Office will mail the required CTC paperwork to the candidate’s home address in 10 business days. Please complete the application and mail back to the Credentials Office with a $100 check or money order made out to “CTC”. At this time, the CTC does not accept online applications.
- Upon receipt, the Credentials Office will process the paperwork within 24 hours. A (C19) letter is then mailed to the candidate as verification of completion.
- CTC can take up to six months (50 business days) to process paper applications. Please review CTC's website to verify issuance. The candidate will not receive a document in the mail as the CTC has gone completely paperless.
UCR Extension only submits applications to CTC on behalf of students who have completed all of the coursework through UCR Extension.
CTC Notice
The final decision regarding an applicant's academic eligibility for a supplementary or subject matter authorization will be determined by CTC staff when the documentation is submitted and the application is evaluated.