
Course Description

Integrated digital and brand marketing communications create seamless brand experiences for customers and audiences, and when done effectively and efficiently, can maximize campaign impacts while minimizing marketer efforts. With a marketing platform no further than one’s pocket, it is now no longer enough to simply employ 1-2 traditional marketing channels to reach prospects. In this age of new media and technology, today’s diligent strategic communicators must carefully consider their customers’ total brand experience - to explore their journey to conversion, from touchpoints to commitment, and reflect on what magic is required to create that compelling click, on screens both big and small! This class is designed to be creative and innovative and focus on the art of persuasive all-encompassing brand storytelling – and will explore how a powerful integration of communications channels and messages creates connection, continuity, and trust with audiences, and how that connection, continuity, and trust helps businesses achieve their goals and objectives.

Learner Outcomes

  • Leverage human-centered design thinking to consider and target customers and audiences, and what stories that captivate them best.
  • Articulate the difference between paid, earned, shared, and owned marketing channels, and understand when and how to leverage each channel (PESO model).
  • Articulate the differences in language and communications techniques employed for various digital marketing channels.
  • Identify the types of resources, support teams, and relationship-building that may be necessary to create a fully integrated campaign.
  • Develop an integrated digital marketing communications campaign strategic brief.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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5:30PM to 9:30PM
May 12, 2025 to Jun 09, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • UC Riverside
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition - $550 credit (2 units) $550.00
Available for Credit
2 units
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