
Course Description

Development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of privilege or oppression as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching.  Classroom strategies emphasizing cultural and linguistically appropriate anti-bias and anti-racist approaches are explored in order to support children as they grow to become competent members of a diverse society.  Opportunities for self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes, bias, social and educational access, media influences, and schooling are included. Field work is required outside of class time to provide students with opportunities to learn and practice competencies related to the care and education of young children.

Learner Outcomes

  • Develop an awareness of personal culture and biases and how these may impact effective teaching practices.
  • Recognize the societal issues and trends related to equity in young children.
  • Evaluate and implement equity dimensions in curriculum development and assessment.
  • Examine the 5 dimensions of equity and identify appropriate resources and links for families which target the 5 dimensions of equity.
  • Explain and critique developmental theory as it applies to the growth and behavior of children, including effective strategies for working with children who are culturally, linguistically and socio-economically diverse and children with differing abilities with particular focus on children’s social identity.
  • Identify and describe how student variability exists in differing ways including cultural, ethnic, intellectual, linguistic, racial, social, and special needs.
  • Knowledge to understand and support dual language learners and children with special needs.
  • Analyze various aspects of children’s experience as members of families targeted by social bias considering the significant role of education in reinforcing or contradicting such experiences.
  • Assess the components of linguistically and culturally relevant, inclusive, age-appropriate, anti-bias approaches in promoting optimal learning and development.
  • Demonstrate the ability to create environments to meet the needs of all children within educational settings for young children.
  • Demonstrate an increased awareness and ability to communicate


Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Webcast - Off-site
8:00AM to 1:30PM
Oct 06, 2024 to Nov 24, 2024
Online - Fix-date
Oct 06, 2024 to Dec 01, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Off-Site Locations
Course Fee(s)
Tuition - $300 credit (4.5 units) $300.00
Available for Credit
4.5 units
Section Notes
Spanish Course.
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