
Course Description

This course lays the foundation for a Cannabis Risk Management Framework. A Cannabis Risk Management Framework (CRMF) is a framework for which risks, and opportunities can be identified within the context of business objectives and programs are established to operate within the risk appetite. The commercial cannabis business can assess the risks and understand the risk profile once objectives and the risk appetite are set. The risk assessment enables prioritization and tailoring of the risk-based control activities. To establish the optimal risk-based decisions, management uses the risk profile to inform its analysis of business opportunities. The dynamic nature of operating a business requires effective monitoring of known risks to identify changes to the risk profile over time. Training informs all individuals of their job responsibilities in compliance with company policies.

Learner Outcomes

  • Describe the major components of the Cannabis Risk Management Framework (CRMF)
  • Define the vernacular involved in implementing the CRMF
  • Explain why using the CRMF is an important part of developing control activities
  • Preparation certification from the Association of Certified Commercial Cannabis Experts to be an officially Certified Commercial Cannabis Professional (CCCP).

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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